Bokserier för mphornig42

Serier som mphornig42 har böcker i

Sammanfattning: 104 serier

Airman's Odyssey

Allan Quatermain

America's Series

The American Museum of Natural History Science Series

Amos Lee Mappin

Awakening Land Trilogy



Barton Keyes

Best American

The Best American Short Stories

Best Cartoons of the Year

Best Plays

Best Sports Stories

Betty Bard MacDonald autobiographical series

Bill Grady

The Bounty Trilogy

Bronson Beta

Bruce Mason

Cannery Row

Captain Blood


Chicago Trilogy

Christopher Storm Mysteries

Chronicles of Arundel

Claudia - Rose Franken


Colonel March

Cool and Lam

Country Lawyer

The Cugats

David Balfour

Days Trilogy

The Disinherited

Doctor Gideon Fell

Doctor Kildare

Dr. Hugh Westlake

Duncan Maclain

Ellery Queen

Famous Horse Stories


Founders of Christianity Trilogy by Sholem Asch

Ghost Stories of M.R. James

Good Queen Bess

Henry Gamadge

Horatio Hornblower

Horatio Hornblower: Chronological Order

How Green Was My Valley

Hugh North

Hyman Kaplan

Inspector Lamb

James' Andrew Jackson

John J. Malone

Jupiter Jones


Kings Row

Lad the Dog

Lieutenant Ryan

Lord Peter Wimsey


Maine Classic

Mark East

Melville's Polynesian Novels

Michael Shayne

Miss Silver

Mr. and Mrs. North mysteries

Nero Wolfe

Nigel Strangeways

O. Henry Prize Stories

Oceans of the World

Of Time and the River

Passionate Witch

Pat and Jean Abbott


Perry Mason Novels

Peter Duluth Mysteries

Peter Wimsey & Harriet Vane

Philip Marlowe

Philip Tolefree

The Prairie Trilogy

Primers for the Age of Plenty

The Prophet

Red Gap

Regional Murder Series

Resnick's Library of Worldwide Adventure

Richard Powell's Andy Blake

Rivers of America

Rivers of America for Young People

Robert Shannon

Roderick Alleyn

Rogue Male

Roy Chapman Andrews autobiography

Roy Tucker


Sir Henry Merrivale

Suds series

Sunnybank Series


Superman novels

Tales of the South Pacific


Testament of Man

Tommy Hambledon

The World's Great Letters